Saturday, November 12, 2011

Seabrook Watchdogs citizen group on alert for crime |

Seabrook Watchdogs citizen group on alert for crime | "It was just a few months ago, in June, when concerned parents began comparing notes about crimes in and around their neighborhoods. An organized effort was born to put an end to home burglaries, vehicle thefts and other illegal acts.

Thus began the Seabrook Watchdogs, a citizen response group based on neighborhood watch programs used throughout the country in an effort to reduce crime, and acknowledged to have a significant impact on community safety, according to research provided by the Campbell Corporation report for the National Sheriffs' Association."

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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Salinas Neighborhood Watch Program Goes Viral - Central Coast News KION/KCBA

Salinas Neighborhood Watch Program Goes Viral - Central Coast News KION/KCBA: "Dave Clark is the co-founder of the Monterey Park Neighborhood Watch Program in Salinas. He said he's able to get neighbors to take shifts patrolling the streets on bikes and cars. They want to be visible and look for suspicious activity.